Gas & Radon Mitigation    radion-icon

Flettner® Ventilators can be used to extract waste gases from housing stock built on brownfield sites and also as part of a radon mitigation strategy in affected areas.

Radon is a naturally occurring colourless, odourless radioactive gas. It results from the radioactive decay of the small amounts of uranium that occur naturally in all rocks and soils.  In certain parts of the world concentrations of Radon are considerably higher than what is currently thought to be acceptable.

Air pressure inside buildings is usually lower than pressure in the soil around a buildings’ foundation. Because of this difference in pressure, some buildings can act like a vacuum, drawing radon in through foundation cracks and other openings.

In such circumstances, it is therefore prudent to fit radon mitigation solutions to houses and other buildings that exhibit these issues.  When selecting the right solution in the first instance you should consult a qualified Radon mitigation contractor to advise you on the options for your property.

One of the solutions available involves improving ventilation by utilising a forced air extraction method in order to reduce excessive radon levels.  Flettner® Ventilator has developed the Flettner® TCX-GE for this purpose. Only available through specialist contractors, the Flettner® TCX-GE combines the extraction capabilities of the definitive wind powered ventilator on the market with an easy to fit coupling designed to fit onto a 110mm pipe.

  • I have used the Flettner® ventilator on many occasions to reduce radon levels in buildings. The benefit of the Flettner® ventilator is that it does not require an electrical connection and runs on wind power alone. It is ideal for reducing radon levels in buildings with moderately elevated levels of radon.

    Eugene Monahan, All Clear Radon

Where to buy your Flettner®



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